Viollet-le-Duc English Sculptures of the kings of Judea at the west front of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) Portuguese Galeria dos reis de Judá e Israel na fachada...
English object of statement has role: photographer author name string: randreu URL:
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) French Détail de la...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) French Détail de la...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) French Détail de la...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) Dutch Detail van de westelijke...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) French Détail de la...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) French Détail de la...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) Dutch Detail van de westelijke...
Detail of the west facade of Notre-Dame, Paris, France (2014) German Detail der West-Fassade von Notre Dame, Paris, Frankreich (2014) Dutch Detail van de westelijke...