10 "Fișier:Sv-bo.ogg".


DescriptionSv-bo.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "bo" in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 10 July 2007 Source The Shtooka Project...

Fișier:Foreign agriculture circular (IA foreignagricultu6502unit).pdf

about 11 percent over that - ' of 1950a In Ire la nd, ogg -production for 1951 is expected to bo about 16' percent bcloxv that of 1950* Producer dissatisfaction...

Fișier:Public accounts of the North-West Territories (IA ableg 33398004570528 2).pdf

CGS 00. FFI OF C&Z 00 €&@ 00 OZ 00 OGG 00 €&zZ 00 €T 00 OGG CO §T 00 OGG 100 OGG 00 0GZ 00 OGG 00 §T 00 OGG 00 OGG 00 066 00 OZ 00 C&G CO 8& O08 CGS 00...

Fișier:Egg campaign kit (IA CAT31070513).pdf

cur**^ And in making custards, or other dishes x/hich call v/ith the ogg and not at a time. with the milk. i.or hot V'/hitcs rather than stir...

Fișier:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews946unit 10).pdf

arc scanning tho grocor^'- shelves for palatable sub^ cu]p shortening, 1 ogg, beaten, 3/4 stitutes. Perhaps the r.iost 'popular stoaid- cup honey, 2 tablesx30ons...

Fișier:Public accounts of the North-West Territories (IA ableg 33398004570460 2).pdf

0GZ 0Z6 ULE 00 00 68 00 00 00 00 66 00 00HOt 000G 0006é 00OGG 00 066 00 OGG 00 61 00él yySnoig pareaMIoy "ors ‘daANILNODO—S 00 00 THOda Ld 666666...

Fișier:Container information (IA containerinforma56unit).pdf

j: SONS, *'31. bush'l b':, sk.ts KD bruco boX'.s wee den '^nd fiber N---vv York City wooden ana ficjr ogg cases Street, Schol.;S Street, Bro oklyn...

Fișier:Container information (IA containerinforma5254unit).pdf

cas.. , ©TER?im EGG 144 Banks Strjct. Now York City woodjn and fiber ogG cases and covers C..SE CO., flats, fillers", *&¥, SOLOI'ION A- SON?, 1...

Fișier:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre1081unit).pdf

flocks should "bo culled. PMA: Right.... ^rjC?.: *bad I vrould ask this: wouldn't such a culling have a Tsad effect on our ogg supply? PIOl: ...

Fișier:பாவாணர் தமிழ்க் களஞ்சியம் 18.pdf

«‚∞Í∫fi´Pπ∞Y, ‚k›Ó @figN‚Lg‚Àv¢. 8. ©ºGgÙ @§Ã aG¬Ó @§Ã Sfi^Ó N‚∞fi÷@ºV≥Ó ˚zn∫Í zÂz_@ºV≥Ó ©ºGg‚P∞Y, @fiº©˜ @fi´iY ©ºGs ˚Yπ¢ ©ºGgÙ˜ @fi´¢´ «P∞Í∫nμ. @Y (@fiº©˜ @fi´¢«z)...