4 "Fișier:UtriculariaVulgarisFlowering.jpg".


DescriptionUtriculariaVulgarisFlowering.jpg English: Inflorescence of the "carnivorous" water plant Common Bladderwort, Utricularia vulgaris agg. Deutsch:...

Fișier:Mary Ann Jackson - The Pictorial Flora; or British Botany Delineated - Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA pictorialfloraor00henr).pdf

botany delineated, in 1500 lithographic drawings of all the species of flowering plants indigenous to Great Britain; illustrating the descriptive works...

Fișier:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu

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Fișier:Midland naturalist (IA midlandnaturalis01lond).pdf

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