10 "Fișier:CID-ad.gif".


DescriptionCID-ad.gif English: An ad for spanish wikipedia Español: Un anuncio Date 11 / 7 / 08 Source Own work, based on Image:Apis mellifera carnica...

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Per abbaffarfi Già Spofa, ad altri ampltffi. Caf Come ? Spofà Erenice ? Oh Dei ma dove Quando Con chi ? ! Ne Gif E* Caf ftabìIito la i! ventura...

Fișier:Thrummy Cap, a tale (NLS104186669).pdf

d were tint ocr way. However at the neifl houfe we'll Ray, Until we fee gif it grow fair, G:n no, a* night we‘H tarry there. Wcel, we^l. fay* Johney...

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Fișier:Histoire du BDE.pdf

Manufactures) et celui de Supélec (Association des Elèves de Supélec campus de Gif). Ces deux BDE ne fonctionnaient pas du tout de la même manière et n’occupaient...

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maessige, gif he dürre, and ladige on pam hnsle he ana hyne sylfne aet anfealdre spraece ; and aet pryfealdre spraece , ladige he, gif he dürre, eac...

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gütige g-örberung aber fügen wir Sanf. lirfiftcn gejtrebt imferem auä) gif(|ereifacf)e |)anb ju wo 2}ieinungen im e§ fie erforbert ha§ 3u = ...

Fișier:Allgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung (IA allgemeinefische13mn).pdf

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Fișier:(untitled) Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete des Deutschen, Griechischen und Lateinischen, (1852-01-01), pages 284-288 (IA jstor-40844239).pdf

hieherrufichIndraundAgni,deren(zuhvaye,tayorit stomam wir." 26, 6: „yac cid dhiçaçvatâtanâdevamdevam mal) preisersehnen yajâmahe,tve id diluyatehavi/í...

Fișier:Corneille and Racine in England- a study of the English translations of the two Corneilles and Racine, with especial reference to their presentation on the English stage (IA corneilleracinei00fishrich).pdf

IjNlVERSUr COLUMBi' •Press- LIBRARY OF THK University of California. GIF^T OF" Class *"^ y Sllh. Columbia ©ntbersitg STUDIES INBOMANGE PHILOLOGT...