DescriptionFlag of the Republic of Korea Civil Defense Corps.svg English: Flag of the Republic of Korea Civil Defense Corps, in use since 8 August 2023...
English Flag of Republic Of Korea Civil Defense Corps....
English Flag of the Korean National Defense Student Corps (1975–1986) author name string: Samhanin Wikimedia username: Samhanin URL: https://commons.wikimedia...
English Flag of the Korean National Defense Student Corps (1949–1960) author name string: Samhanin Wikimedia username: Samhanin URL: https://commons.wikimedia...
DescriptionEmblem of the Republic of Korea Civil Defense Corps.svg English: Emblem of the Republic of Korea Civil Defense Corps, in use since 8 August...
DescriptionSymbol of Republic Of Korea Civil Defense Corps.svg 한국어: 1975년부터 2023년까지 사용된 대한민국 민방위 표지장 English: Symbol of the Republic of Korea Civil Defense Corps (Used...
of Republic Of Korea Civil Defense Corps (simplified).svg 한국어: 1975년부터 2023년까지 사용된 대한민국 민방위 표지장 (간략화) English: Simplified symbol of the Republic of Korea...