to Hieronymus Bosch's middle period, c. 1497 Spanish La crucifixión de Santa Julia German Die Kreuzigung der hl. Julia (Hieronymus Bosch, ca. 1497) determination...
English The Garden of Earthly Delights in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, c. 1495–1505, attributed to Hieronymus Bosch...
English Follower of Hieronymus Bosch. The Conjurer, circa 1502. 53 x 65 cm. Oil on Oak. Musée Municipal, Saint Germain-en-Laye. Russian Последователь...
this file: Jheronimus Bosch Table of the Mortal Sins (Accidia)2.jpg Jheronimus Bosch Table of the Mortal Sins (Avaricia)2.jpg Jheronimus Bosch Table of...
English Portret van Jheronimus Bosch Spanish Retrato póstumo de Hieronymus Bosch c. 1550 (atrib. a Jacques Le Boucq)...
243 254 281 219 527 1615 File:Jheronimus Bosch 050 detail 01.jpg Detail English...
162 239 440 658 File:Jheronimus Bosch Scenes from the Passion (detail1).jpg detail 279 1 160 240 440 658 File:Jheronimus Bosch Scenes from the Passion...
803 845 237 83 1258 960 File:Follower of Jheronimus Bosch 006 detail 01.jpg English...
243 254 281 219 527 1615 File:Jheronimus Bosch 050 detail 01.jpg Detail English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
CKV 1 project, Jheronimus Bosch en navolgers (as Zangers in het ei). Friedländer (1969): p. 68....