DescriptionKarluv most.png English: Model construction of Charles Bridge, located in the Museum of Charles Bridge in Prague. Čeština: Model znázorňující...
9471 256 1901 402 14590 1975 Pražský hrad 2706 421 1170 1536 14590 1975 Karlův most 8008 969 1134 988 14590 1975 Mostecká ulice 6107 439 2121 329 14590 1975...
0/PDMCreative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse Author died 1818 English Czech Karel Postl: Most arcivévody Karla u Karlových Varů (akvatinta, asi 1808)...
DescriptionLiebscher KarluvMostPredPovodni.png English: View of Charles Bridge, Prague (now in the Czech Republic) before the flood damage of September...
DescriptionCharles Bridge Prague, Czech Republic.png English: Charles Bridge Prague, Czech Republic. Čeština: Karlův most v Praze. Date August 2008 Source Own work...