3 "Fișier:Lamium_maculatum_top.jpg".

Fișier:Lamium maculatum top.jpg

foto toont de top van de Gevlekte dovenetel. Ik nam deze foto op 3 april 2004 in onze tuin. This pic shows the top of Lamium maculatum. I took this photo...

Fișier:Begonia semperflorens and Lamium maculatum, Highdown Gardens, Worthing.jpg

4589 637 681 3979 5305 Calibrachoa English Begonia semperflorens and Lamium maculatum, Highdown Gardens, Worthing object of statement has role: photographer...

Fișier:Park's floral magazine (IA CAT30999385268).pdf

Arabis Alpina, Kenilworth Ivy, Sweet Kocket, Forget-me-not and Lamium maculatum. Of annuals use Adonis, Balsam, Pan- sy, etc. for dense shade...