DescriptionMaya site northern Yucatan 800 AD.svg A map showing the major Maya sites and regions of the northern Yucatán peninsula, with a general date of AD 800...
DescriptionMaya site northern Yucatan 800 AD PT.svg Mapa mostrando os principais sítios maias e regiões do norte da península do Iucatã, cercade 800 d.C.....
DescriptionMaya site northern Yucatan 800 AD-es.svg English: A map showing the major Maya sites and regions of the northern Yucatán peninsula, with a general...
Central Mexico Site with early evidence for ballplaying Maya sites in northern Yucatan 800 AD I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it...
Central Mexico Site with early evidence for ballplaying Maya sites in northern Yucatan 800 AD English Nederlands Russian Ukrainian I, the copyright holder...