4 "Fișier:Opened_book,_inkwell,_plants_and_sun.jpg".

Fișier:Opened book, inkwell, plants and sun.jpg

DescriptionOpened book, inkwell, plants and sun.jpg Català: Llibre obert, un tinter amb plomes, plantes i un sol amb rostre English: Opened book, inkwell, plants...

Fișier:Breu compendi de la historia de la literatura catalana (1900).djvu

Derivative works of this file: Quill, inkwell, books and globe.jpg Opened book, inkwell, plants and sun.jpg English determination method or standard:...

Fișier:Quill, inkwell, books and globe.jpg

catalana (1900).djvu Unknown artist, probably same as File:Opened book, inkwell, plants and sun.jpg Permission (Reusing this file) https://creativecommons...

Fișier:The Film Daily, Jul-Dec 1926.djvu

The Midnight Sun ad in The Film Daily, Jul-Dec 1926 (page 25 crop).jpg...