filled Julia set iter =GiveLastIteration(Zx, Zy ); if (iter< iterMax ) // point escapes { color = 245; } // exterior else // Filled Julia Set Second step...
console progam using * symmetry * openMP draw parabolic Julia set and saves it to pgm file period TurnOffset 5 0.17298227404701 6 0.04 7 0.092 gcc t.c -lm...
points : * parabolic alfa fixed point Za * point of critical orbit inside 0 componet * 1 point on the boundary of last componet of the Julia set. This points...
points : * parabolic alfa fixed point Za * point of critical orbit inside 0 componet * 1 point on the boundary of last componet of the Julia set. This points...
modified DEM method (different from Milnor's) to draw parabolic julia sets gcc t.c -lm -Wall -fopenmp -march=native time ./a.out File s1000000f1.5.pgm saved...
FillRaysArray(10000000); number here show how smooth will be a boundary ( Julia set ) near parabolic fixed points Of course more smooth means more time to compute...
function) and 42 text files ( for info and debug) Numerical approximation of parabolic Julia set for fc(z)= z^2 + c iPeriodParent = 1 iPeriodOfChild = 20 parameter... c console progam using * symmetry * openMP draw julia sets gcc i.c -lm -Wall -fopenmp...
filled Julia set From decomposition to checkerboard Parabolic orbits insidse upper main chessboard box Visualisation of Siegel disk I, the copyright holder...
decomposition of interior and exterior Level sets of attraction time boundary = Julia set checkerboard for rotation number 1/1 I, the copyright holder of this work...