DescriptionRete Ferrovie Reali Sarde.svg Italiano: Mappa della rete ferroviaria costruita in Sardegna dalla Compagnia Reale delle Ferrovie Sarde negli ultimi...
. Derivative works of this file: Rezza Ferruvie Riale Sarde.svg I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:...
by RFI (Ferrovie dello Stato group) Date 27 March 2017 Source Open Street Map Data Author Pechristener Other versions Rete Ferrovie Reali Sarde.svg: ...
png. author:Alex10. & File:Italy_Sardinia_location_map.svg. author: Sémhur Other versions Derivative works of this file: Rete Ferrovie Reali Sarde.svg...
Derivative works of this file: Sardegna romana.svg Rezza Ferruvie Riale Sarde.svg Rete Ferrovie Reali Sarde.svg Equivalent physical map Attribution (required...