imply the endorsement by the template creator. {{CJKV-forms|TRAD|SIMP|JPAN|KORE}} Example: {{CJKV-forms|級|级|級|級}} Example output should be shown at the bottom‐right...
Erinome, Aoede, Kallichore, Kalyke, Carme, Callirrhoe, Eurydome, Pasithee, Kore, Cyllene, Eukelade, Pasiphaë, Hegemone, Arche, Isonoe, Sinope, Sponde, Autonoe...
Filipinler Filistin Güney Kore Gürcistan Hindistan Irak İran İsrail Japonya Kamboçya Katar Kazakistan Kıbrıs Kırgızistan Kuveyt Kuzey Kore Laos Lübnan Maldivler...
logophorical person, 2nd-person honorific, etc. See Ainu grammar. Conjugation of kore (ditransitive, 3-slot) †1st-person plurals are exclusive. Inclusive 1st-person...
Каллиро́е (Kalliróje), Эвридо́ме (Evridóme), Пазифе́е (Paziféje), Ко́ре (Kóre), Килле́не (Killéne), Эвкела́де (Evkeláde), Паси́фе (Pasífe), Гегемо́не (Gegemóne)...
the singular noun uses j in third-person, provide j, otherwise blank az ő köre - his/her circle az ő erődje - his/her fortress 3= ei or jei, the third-person...
the singular noun uses j in third-person, provide j, otherwise blank az ő köre - his/her circle az ő erődje - his/her fortress 3= ei or jei, the third-person...
iránt iránta az/ez iránt mi iránt az-/eziránt – c to around köré köré(je) a/e köré mi köré a-/eköré – around körül körülötte a/e körül mi körül a-/ekörül...
phonetic transcription unlike with Spanish. correo IPA(key): /koˈreo/, [koˈre.o] fuego IPA(key): /ˈpweɡo/, [ˈpwe.ɡo] joven IPA(key): /ˈxoben/, [ˈxo.bẽn]...