for Lingua Libre data. There were cases of poor quality Lingua Libre data uploaded to Commons. Contact me so that I can add the author to the bot 'whitelist'...
started): Generating Bulgarian rhymes (Periodical): Porting my audios from LinguaLibre Generating Bulgarian declined forms (moribund + incomplete) Removing...
filenames as appropriate, and migrating the audio files I uploaded via LinguaLibre onto here. It does this only when the layout of the page is simple enough...
ans-title=|page=|url=|text=|t=}} ===Pronunciation=== * {{audio|sv|}} Lingua Libre Compound of verktyg (“tool”) + låda (“box”). [First attested in 1477...
{{also|liat}} {{also|liat|liât}} LIBRE : {also|...} template updated; 1 item added. {{also|libre}} {{also|libre|libré}} LIGO : {also|...} template updated;...
domo pavo pierna pollerudo belleza bed África Laos cuerda libre non come try pencil work al flamenco Mexico Filipinas...
Cryptozoic#English Crystal Lake#English Crystal Palace#English Cu#English Cuba libre#English Cuban crocodile#English Cuban heel#English Cubel#English Cuenca#English...
ordbok Brasilien кожа grupo sábado director arrange link libre vatten difference poeta большой kabát sail rush őröl couleur...
mother aktarmak aort başlangıç hükümet kabuk elhamdülillah libre alto hundred J kilit kimi omurga kıyın planeta hemen...
mata March Mann mama male M m look long livre lip lingua lift life large langue lac key Kanada kan K k Jupiter...