6 Results found for "Wiktionary:Todo/assets/css/style.css".

Wiktionary:Grease pit/2015/July

css and leave only truly cross-language styles to it. concrete example: 20 lines of CSS used by {{zh-hanzi-box}}. Wouldn't it be wiser to put the CSS...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2009/September

name appendices should be kept to serve at least as todo-lists. Adding all these redlinks as todos to a category page seems to bring no advantage; the...

Wiktionary:Beer parlour/2023/January

(обсудить/вклад) 04:54, 5 January 2023 (UTC) I have created Wiktionary:Todo/Rare IA terms. So far I've only generated tables for entries starting with...

Wiktionary:Frequency lists/German/Mixed web 3M/1150001-1200000

CSS-lernen CSS-Objekten CSS-Programierkenntnisse CSS-Regeln CSS-Ressourcen CSS-S119L CSS-Schreibweise CSS-Selektor CSS-Stil CSS-Style CSS-Styles CSS-Stylesheets...

Wiktionary:Grease pit/2023/October

some reason it also puts the word in a different CSS class which i noticed because i use custom CSS. For everyone else, it's barely noticeable, but still...

Wiktionary:Frequency lists/German/Mixed web 3M/1700001-1750000

IT-Architekturkonformität IT-as-a-Service IT-as-a-Service-Leistungen IT-Aspekten IT-Assets IT-Assistent IT-AssistentInnen IT-Attacken IT-Auditor IT-Auditors IT-Audits...