10 Results found for "Wiktionary_talk:Votes/2020-01".

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-01/Definitions of English terms should start with a capital and end with a full stop

is the choice of individual editors? Mihia (talk) 22:01, 5 January 2020 (UTC) Baby steps. Do a vote for English first, and we can think about foreign languages...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-01/Make Frankish an etymology-only variant of Proto-West Germanic

require a bot to clean up? —Mahāgaja · talk 15:48, 8 March 2020 (UTC) @Mahagaja: I created a vote to a) make the change official, because demoting a language...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-01/Deprecating topN

this is implemented, I'll drop my opposition. —Rua (mew) 10:59, 4 January 2020 (UTC) @Rua you can edit your .js user page and add $('.derivedterms')...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-04/Changes to Alternative form headers

affect most of my edit habits so I think I will not vote here. Equinox ◑ 23:12, 4 May 2020 (UTC) Fair enough. --{{victar|talk}} 01:04, 5 May 2020 (UTC)...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2020-04/Use of "eye dialect" label

(talk) 01:22, 7 June 2020 (UTC) I agree with the edit, but I don't think the chaotic status quo should be an option people are allowed to vote in favor...

Wiktionary talk:Votes

Votes that have not been closed. Templates used in votes: {{vote-generic}}, {{vote-sysop}}, {{vote-bureaucrat}}, {{vote-checkuser}}, {{vote-bot}};...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-09/Misspellings and alternative spellings

Ultimateria (talk) 00:50, 19 September 2020 (UTC) I support that. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 01:13, 19 September 2020 (UTC) I don't support including typos...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/pl-2020-05/Sign language entry names

systems would be allowed. Can I add that option to this vote? --Numberguy6 (talk) 01:36, 25 May 2020 (UTC) I think that this should be Option 2 and what is...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-10/Use of "pronunciation spelling" label

Wiktionary:Votes/2020-12/Bringing back wynn entries. Putting aside the social conflict that the vote has caused, I don't think a repeat of this vote would...

Wiktionary talk:Votes/2020-07/Converting policy and guide pages as for quotes and apostrophes

important to search for quotes in policy pages. --Dan Polansky (talk) 09:01, 13 July 2020 (UTC) I think it's good to restrict the proposal to policy and guide...