
Merhaba, buraya Kullanıcı:LA2 kelimesinin anlamını aramaya geldiniz. DICTIOUS'da Kullanıcı:LA2 kelimesinin tüm sözlük anlamlarını bulmakla kalmayacak, aynı zamanda etimolojisini, özelliklerini ve Kullanıcı:LA2 kelimesinin tekil ve çoğul olarak nasıl söylendiğini de öğreneceksiniz. Kullanıcı:LA2 kelimesi hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şey burada. Kullanıcı:LA2 kelimesinin tanımı, konuşurken veya metinlerinizi yazarken daha kesin ve doğru olmanıza yardımcı olacaktır. XXX'in ve diğer kelimelerin tanımını bilmek, kelime dağarcığınızı zenginleştirir ve size daha fazla ve daha iyi dilsel kaynaklar sağlar.
Lars Aronsson, 2020.
sv Den här användaren talar svenska som modersmål.
Bu kullanıcının anadili İsveççedir.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
da-1 Denne bruger har et grundlæggende kendskab til dansk.
no-1 Denne brukeren har grunnleggende kjennskap til norsk.
ru-1 Этот участник владеет русским языком на начальном уровне.
tr-0 Bu kullanıcı Türkçe anlamıyor (veya anlamakta büyük güçlük çekiyor).
diğer kullanıcılar

LA2 is the username of Lars Aronsson, Sweden.

Author Title Size in bytes
Yeni Ahit 37.600
From the Style guide Swedish translation
===Farklı yazılışlar===
: {{birleşik|dil=sv|last|bil}}
: {{ek|dil=sv|stat|lig}}
: {{k|dil=sv|fr}} {{l|fr|hélicoptère}}
* {{IPA|dil=sv|/ɦeːliˈkɔptər/}}
* {{ses|dil=sv|Sv-lastbil.ogg}}
* {{h|dil=sv|he|li|kop|ter}}

{{başlık başı|sv|eylem}}

# Anlam 1
#* Örnekler
#** Örneğin Türkçe çevirisi
# Anlam 2

====Eş anlamlılar====
====Karşıt anlamlılar====
====Üst kavramlar====
====Alt kavramlar====
====İlgili sözcükler====
{{Üst|anlam 1|tip=çeviriler}}
Etymologi / ursprung
: Sammansättning
: Ändelse
: Lånord från franskan
* Ljudskrift
* Ljudfil
* Stavelser

uppslagsordet med grundläggande böjningsformer

# betydelse 1
#* exempelmening på svenska
#** exempelmeningens turkiska översättning
# betydelse 2

Hyperonymer / överbegrepp
Hyponymer / underbegrepp
Besläktade ord
Böjning (stora tabeller)
Översättningar (enbart på turkiska uppslag)
Hänvisningar / källor


5 December 2021: Adding dil= parameter where it is missing.

Adding dil= parameter.
XML dump date tr en ota de fi fr it sv ar mul az gag ru nl et es hy hu pl da
20160407 900 14865 11255 5484 4301 3111 3953 1282 651 ? 1149 1656 494 779 630 701 ? 680 497 590
20211001 149539 26161 11789 9409 7701 4776 4774 3113 2664 2359 2140 1830 1766 1754 1741 1579 1553 1517 1454 1371
20211020 149539 26161 11789 9410 7701 4776 4774 3114 2665 2359 2142 1830 1766 1754 1741 1579 1553 1517 1454 1371
20211101 149542 26164 11791 9412 7701 4776 4774 3114 2668 2359 2142 1830 1766 1754 1742 1580 1553 1517 1454 1373
20211120 149620 26187 11797 9472 7701 4782 4775 3125 2675 2359 2143 1832 1767 1755 1743 1580 1553 1517 1454 1378
20211201 149842 26223 11798 9471 7704 4786 4776 3135 2674 2359 2142 1834 1767 1755 1747 1590 1553 1517 1455 1381
20211220 162782 26664 11840 9776 7833 4991 4796 3182 2678 2361 2168 1956 1867 1764 1753 1664 1554 1545 1479 1393
20220101 163260 26695 11822 9799 7847 5003 4802 3191 2678 2366 2183 1956 2138 1768 1765 1672 1554 1549 1484 1397
20220120 163637 26758 11837 9841 7862 5016 4810 3208 2694 2367 2195 1960 2165 1772 1775 1678 1581 1560 1489 1407
XML dump date t k terim köken kategori
h IPA özel ad Kategori
ek kısaltma çoğul
projebağlantı IPA-
ses örnek mecaz
20160407 36569 1016 19199 11861 - - 759 915 - - 225 436 - - 494 - - 243 - -
20211001 120744 42030 30084 24176 13555 10977 10045 8181 5844 3549 3193 1854 1859 1208 1150 1026 943 892 752 747
20211020 120754 42028 30083 24177 13555 10977 10046 8194 5844 3558 3192 1854 1859 1208 1149 1031 946 893 752 751
20211101 120765 42030 30081 24175 13555 10977 10046 8194 5844 3569 3194 1855 1859 1208 1150 1036 952 894 752 751
20211120 120841 42032 30080 24162 13561 10977 10091 8253 5847 3588 3203 1860 1859 1203 1161 1036 952 898 752 751
20211201 120905 42031 30074 24158 13561 10977 10160 8307 5847 3588 3223 1870 1859 1200 1194 1036 952 902 759 753
20211220 121088 43058 30063 24154 13564 10978 12594 11269 5847 3591 7715 1914 1860 1195 4124 1036 998 1131 791 755
20220101 121267 43035 30043 24119 13573 10991 12785 13767 5850 3595 7823 1933 1861 1178 4067 1036 1040 1159 827 761
20220120 121580 43044 30028 24087 13582 10991 12927 14588 5854 3597 7890 1950 1864 1173 4005 1036 1047 1175 946 780

9 November 2021: My bot completes its first run around all entries, adding tip=çeviriler. A second run is completed within a day, fixing language names like Hollandaca/Felemenkçe and removing some duplicate translations.

31 October 2021: I create the page Vikisözlük:İstatistikler; tr.wiktionary was the 4th biggest in 2008, when the statistics started (perhaps thanks to imports made by user:SaltinbasBot), and the 3rd biggest in January 2009 with 252,000 entries, but since then it has grown slowly and is now only the 20th biggest.

27 October 2021: I start to improve and clean up lists of translations. Many of the edits are done with user:LA2-bot. Priorities:

  1. Make it fun and easy to contribute translations, using the Javascript gadget translation-adder, here called MediaWiki:Gadget-CeviriEkleyici.js, which has been translated by user:HastaLaVi2
  2. Add tip=çeviriler to the {{Üst}} template call on each page, to enable the gadget.
  3. Fix bugs in the gadget: 1. Alphabetic sorting (Ç before D). 2. Sometimes it refuses to add translations.
  4. Remove old commented-out and empty translations from all pages, as well as obsolete calls to the template {{Orta}}. Find and fix broken syntax. Change obsolete {{yk:fi}} to plaintext Fince.
  5. Continue the already started work to change Hollandaca (Dutch, 2400 occurrences) to Felemenkçe (Netherlands, 3400 occurrences) and move it and Sırp-Hırvatça (Serbo-Croatian) to their right places in alphabetic order. Change "Modern Yunanca" (400 occurrences) to "Yunanca" (Greek, more than 2800 already), having "Eski Yunanca" (Ancient Greek) as a sublanguage. Find other language names that need to be corrected or unified.
  6. Find and remove duplicate translations.
  7. Merge content from sections for Turk languages (Türk lehçeleri) into the proper translation section (Çerviriler).
  8. Consider if separate Üst-Alt lists should be used for each sense of a word, as in English and Swedish Wiktionary. This principle is recommended in the style guide and some pages use it (e.g. makine: machine or automobile), but most have only one Üst-Alt list and list translations of all senses on one line, sometimes with , (e.g. izlememek) or {{t|...}} to indicate senses. Which is better? Makine was like that before 2019. Is there a broad consensus for changing?
  9. Find and remove (or reformat) text in the translation section, between ====Çeviriler==== and the next heading, that is not in the form of {{Üst}} *... {{Alt}}.
Date Occurrences in database dump of these patterns {{ç|??|...}}
<!-- {{Orta}} {{yk: {{Üst}} {{Üst|tip=
{{ç| {{çeviri| ==Çevi-
en fi fr de az sv ru it
20160407 17098 29836 0 30039 0 10142 969271 13 0 16684 12794 1 0 14302 9650 7944 6997 5522 3283 1733 4450
20211001 158594 23786 142471 25057 4040 265631 133032 23941 6991 0 0 2732 4878 19280 16830 12977 10374 6211 5826 5679 5292
20211020 158587 23759 142462 25034 4053 266426 133032 23951 6984 0 0 2729 4899 19285 16836 12980 10381 6212 5826 5698 5295
20211101 134773 19040 118823 19706 9364 231850 110666 23955 6977 0 0 2490 3812 19333 16887 13010 10385 6213 5888 5716 5300
20211120 15959 17 17 1782 22616 221914 91 25758 541 0 0 11 5113 19503 17234 13107 10384 6214 6076 5745 5298
20211201 15946 15 1 1778 22152 222404 92 25702 160 0 0 0 5133 19458 17259 13127 10404 6213 6170 5800 5311
20211220 15926 15 1 1790 22177 226433 92 25758 143 0 0 0 5247 19502 17318 13144 10434 6226 6221 5843 5320
20220101 15863 10 1 1797 22051 229701 92 25803 1 0 0 0 5336 19547 17372 13162 10475 6237 6253 5873 5336
20220120 15853 10 1 1807 22070 233404 92 25859 1 0 0 0 5436 19628 17443 13192 10552 6264 6301 5919 5347

20 October 2021: In the database dump from this date, the template {{ç}} (and its synonym {{çeviri}}) is called 284,000 times of which the most common 1st parameter values (language) are: 19285 calls with "en" (English) and a given translation, 16836 fi, 12980 fr, 10381 de, 7441 with "es" (Spanish) WITHOUT translation!, 6557 ku WITHOUT, 6212 az, 5826 sv, 5698 ru, 5662 sq WITHOUT, 5406 sv WITHOUT, 5295 it, 4988 et WITHOUT, 4929 nl WITHOUT, 4791 ku, 4767 uz WITHOUT, 4187 fr WITHOUT, 4155 de WITHOUT, 4115 en WITHOUT, 4026 it WITHOUT. There are 116,400 calls (40%) without any translation. The obsolete template Orta is called 23,757 times. There are 32676 calls to {{Üst}}, of which 7096 use tip=çeviriler.

The numbers in the table above give only a rough approximation of these numbers, as they only count the number of matching lines (grep -c) in the database dump for those exact patterns, and do not include e.g. {{Üst|sense|tip=çeviriler}}. Many of the matching lines have the form <!-- *{{yk:en}}: {{çeviri|en|}} --> without any given translation, so removing those useless comments solves several problems.