DescriptionAmman Citadel 42.JPG English: Settlement at the Citadel extends over 7,000 years العربية: جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه...
DescriptionAmman Citadel P1090437.JPG עברית: ארמון בית אומייה, נבנה בשנת 730 לספירה לערך, מצודת עמאן, ירדן English: Umayyad Qasr of Amman, ca 730 AD, Amman Citadel...
DescriptionAmman Temple of Hercules 0344.jpg English: One of some pictures of the Temple of Hercules on the citadel of Amman. Date 1 June 2013, 16:42:22 Source...
DescriptionAmman Temple of Hercules 0343.jpg English: One of some pictures of the Temple of Hercules on the citadel of Amman. Date 1 June 2013, 16:42:04 Source...
DescriptionAmman Citadel P1090430.JPG עברית: רחוב העמודים, נבנה בשנת 730 לספירה לערך, מצודת עמאן, ירדן English: The colonnaded Street, ca 730 AD, Amman Citadel,...
found near the temple. One of some pictures of the Temple of Hercules on the citadel of Amman. Date 1 June 2013, 16:38:42 Source Own work Author Dosseman...
DescriptionAmman Citadel 122.JPG English: Settlement at the Citadel extends over 7,000 years العربية: جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه...
DescriptionAmman Citadel 148.JPG English: Settlement at the Citadel extends over 7,000 years العربية: جبل القلعة أحد جبال مدينة عمّان السبعة والذي اتخذه...
DescriptionUmayyad Qasr Amman citadel.JPG English: Umayyad Qasr Amman citadel Date 6 March 2010, 13:09:42 Source Own work Author Hamdo09...
DescriptionTemple of Hercules at Amman Citadel (6).jpg English: Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 Date 2 November 2018, 08:30:42 Source