awarded to Fiach MacHugh O'Byrne. The drawing was created by myself (Bryan Byrne) based on historical records, and is hereby offered to the public domain...
Neoto ‘Tiddiipamr Wyvarm: chuiale, 0°... <p ais nergipo os oiniers ai a svg nie tebetts ie ze at New Orleans. Back pay..oe ,eoe woceeeee fe» pisleiey:'s<6...
ENS WAN oe rr yh \ ZAR AN ALWANA i Aisi4] \ AN Wy KANN tlh yy NY SVG = ~~ = S ex = OSS IA I A til ONW 9 AY) VP WS =A A AX SNi se LB ...
DescriptionCoat of arms of Michael Jude Byrnes.svg English: Coat of arms of the bishop Michael Jude Byrnes, Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Michigan. Reference:...
Y. 433 Wileman v. Met. St. R. Co., 80 App. Div. 53 Parish Byrnes v. v. 152 155 Parish, 175 N. Y. 181 157 Byrnes, 109 App. Div. 535 159 CHAPTER...
33a 3 •quo °aaa33'av£5gv£a3$ 3 •Jiy 033a3a^avS3ca« 3 •quo 0aaa3a8vSvg\2E3s 3 •Jiy 0 as 3)38558 5 8.5885% 3 3 •quo °a883a35g$gv25E3a 3 °aaa3'&...
Diarmid Stuart Campbell-Gray - 23rd Lord Gray.svg English: This image was created by myself (Bryan Byrne) using a combination of existing public domain...
(1818–1835).svg English: Housflag of the Red Star (packet) Line when it was established and run by the New York firm of Byrnes, Trimble & Co., 1821-1835/36...
(packet) Line when it was established and run by the New York firm of Byrnes, Trimble & Co., 1821-1835/36 (not to be confused with same-named Belgian/US-American...