DescriptionDe-rohr.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "rohr", IPA: /ʁoːɐ̯/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...
DescriptionDe-Rohr.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Rohr", IPA: /ʁoːɐ̯/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from Berlin...
DescriptionDe-röhr.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "röhr", IPA: /ʁøːɐ̯/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker from...
DescriptionDe-Prandtl-Rohr.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun "Prandtl-Rohr", IPA: /ˈpʁantl̩ˌʁoːɐ̯/. Male voice, recorded by native German...
DescriptionDe-Rohrs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Rohrs", IPA: /ʁoːɐ̯s/. Male voice, recorded by native German speaker...
DescriptionDe-Prandtl-Rohrs.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German noun inflection "Prandtl-Rohrs", IPA: /pʁantl̩ˌʁoːɐ̯s/. Male voice, recorded...
1) als Erwähnt in Hammarstens Lehrbuch. 2) Bull, de la Soc. 3} Fe 0^ gegeben durch Ogg J/32 Ziemlich Halliburtox meint, chim. T. 27. gleichgiltig...
DescriptionDe-Röhr Auto-article.ogg Deutsch: Diese Datei enthält eine gesprochene Version des Artikels "Röhr Auto" auf Wikipedia. Ich habe diesen Artikel...
DescriptionDe-ein Rohr verlegen.ogg pronunciation recording Transcription InfoField ein Rohr verlegen IPA InfoField aɪ̯n ˈʁoːɐ̯ fɛɐ̯ˈleːɡn̩ Language InfoField...
outstc^jidin^-; acconplishncnts of tho postv/rx period had "boon the alnost conplcto rohrJbilitr.tion of tho Philippino copra industry, all v/ithin a year cjiCl o...