DescriptionDe-blase ab.ogg English: Pronunciation recording of German verb inflection "blase ab", IPA: /ˌblaːzə ˈap/. Male voice, recorded by native German...
Transferred from de.wikipedia to Commons by Wdwdbot using script (r106M). The original description page was here. All following user names...
Opi'ialioiK'ii bei Kkdtpic! der Blase 0|i(>t-alioiieii bei der Uariiveiballung Punctio vesicao ... Seitß 0Ö2 OGG 0G7 !)72 1(7:^ !)74 üTO !t75...
sind Blase, Seegeltuch, Packpapier, verglühtes Porzellan, Pergament, Holz, Leder gewandt; die Porzcllangefässe, welche Dan 1) Ann. de chim. phys...
for 1/2 day - experience in animal adjustment is necessary. Tayl or; H ogg 1 What data are derived from the animals? g The animal is used only as...
u s t see th a t th e th in g s b y w h ich la b o r p ro - well, T. D. Ogg, Roy L. Kent, R. N. sible. th e good offices of th e A m erican W ALT LE...
Nord-Ame- p. iM"). Heschreibung meiner Heise rika Hd. I. p. ;53() und oGG. |). 1? 525. e se h r e i b u n g ei n e r maus, na eh dem Leben:...