DescriptionEn-au-owl train.ogg English: Pronunciation in English of "owl train". Male, Australian accent. Date 15 February 2020 Source Own work Author...
the Ba- by way of tear en- hancing the preciousness of the battle-axe. " But, am if I was something it — -(Mr. Ogg you. my will me to my...
ful rep ast. A ssisting Mr. T. D. Ogg, P rin cip al Moyes and h is assista n t, tre a tm e n t accorded p resid en t of th e B rotherhood, w ere th e...
B. Clow, P. M. Fred Dustman, 1st Lieut.; J. F. Hill, 2d Lieut.; H. M. W. Ogg, M. at A.; John Morris, 1st Sarg. Ed. .Morris, 2d Sarg.; A. D. Pittman, Q...
British Telecom BTX : Balanced Technology Extended BooTX BTW : by the way (au fait en argot internet) BW : Bandwidth (largeur de bande), voir Bande passante...
churchee voting continuance were ope. She tlecltnoe to crtmnii hcrm-lf eeiFer^vOgg^yy^^^hon^ma Reporting for the fire and light Victoria organisation, and have...
was w itches, bats and owls, form ed th e a rep resen tativ e a t th e presidential o th e r decorations of th is room. in au g u ratio n in 1905. T he...
Belon, however, and the au thors of the Britiflr Zoology fay, that it learns to fpeak. • The female lays four or five white oggs, fpotted with dirty yellow...
na tionals during the disturbances tx>' Ud. curring in that city. 64^or^^OggJ>rjj^J»horuM»4* Men’s Solid Leathe# Work Boots $3.95 B.C. Granulated Sugar...
ap A ^ e l a M en and Devils [te rre stria l and in is m ost beloved : —They seem im pressed withj pily dispelled -C a p ta in H ogg o f the Castlefernal]...