English Greater coat of arms of Warsaw Finnish Varsovan vaakuna...
Niemcewicz (1757–1841), member of the Grand Diet, co-author of the constitution Michał Zabiełło (1760–1815), member of the Grand Diet, supporter of the constitution...
Niemcewicz (1757–1841), member of the Grand Diet, co-author of the constitution Michał Zabiełło (1760–1815), member of the Grand Diet, supporter of the constitution...
Sundsy in search for Hassoff. fully to defend there is little hope of saving Warsaw and that the question of sav Offer Rejected. though there is a Dublin deputation...
which the Grand Jury had re turned a true bill against Mr. Hughes. (Concluded on png* 4.) POLISH FOREIGN ----- MINISTER HAS LEFT WARSAW FOR RIGA London...
COLLEGE BURNED IN MASSACHUSETTS; STUDENTS ESCAPED Moscow-Warsaw Agreement Provides for Exchange Warsaw, March 24.—Three hun dred and seventeen Polish Com...
reinstated with the full j sixty -thousand more, and- some '•other powers aftemPng the first aposileehip sources. WMWU more." of- the Christian Catholic church...
The coat j fmm Victoria »r by secAiriug tuuuIul' - C«lli*e. On the first" png* of tlm first " New Zealand. <»f au< h a machine f. o. h . saya Mr. right*...
o’clock Sunday morning and by noon formed him that'" Trains - • weeepted -v^png With my consent. I*ragressives elected In Alberta, who uments being erected...