DescriptionLinguistic map Southwestern Europe-es.gif English: Southwestern Europe linguistic time evolution map (labels in Spanish). Español: Mapa de la...
15/06/09. Autor(es): Alexandre Vigo. Licenza (Permission): Contido GFL creado polo que English Evolution of languages in Southwestern Europe German Sprachevolution...
DescriptionLinguistic map Southwestern Europe-II.gif English: Linguistic map Southwestern Europe-II Source Alexandre Vigo. Basado en el mapa de extensión...
File:Idioma_gallego_bloques_y_áreas_lingüísticas.png File:Linguistic_map_Southwestern_Europe.gif w:en:List of Galician words of Celtic origin File:Symphonia...
File:Idioma_gallego_bloques_y_áreas_lingüísticas.png File:Linguistic_map_Southwestern_Europe.gif w:en:List of Galician words of Celtic origin File:Symphonia...