Ottawa illustrated. Photo-gravures Author Chas. H Thorburn Title Ottawa illustrated. Photo-gravures Publisher Ottawa, Chas. H. Thorburn Description "The...
"M-G-M International Newsreel has the only cameraman on the board the Graf Zepplin" ad - from, The Film Daily, Jul-Dec 1929 (page 359 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Some pioneer workers in economic entomology (page 8 crop).jpg....
Page 91 Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada.svg...
of the Illinois State Geological Survey Urbana” bookplate ... The artesian waters of northeastern Illinois (IA artesianwater34ande) (page 2 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: James Knox (page 599 crop).jpg....
Marbled paper - from The Street Railway Journal (IA streetrailwayj271906newy) (page 3 crop).jpg...