license: This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Pi-CM.svg licensed with PD-self 2006-05-02T18:39:34Z Phrood~commonswiki 691x551...
---------------------------------basic svg functions -----------------------*/ BeginSVG(file_name,cm_width,cm_height,i_width,i_height,_strokeWidth):=...,_B_magnitude_cross_section.svg, done by Morn. Source code has been modified into fully object-oriented matplotlib...
P. elongatus Svg., Eurynotus Milloti Prosauropsis elongatus Svg. — : = Svg. = Parathrissops Milloti Svg., ? Caturus Cotteaui Svg., Pachy- = ...
tent plus joy -- eux, Les ac -- cents d'un coeur pi -- eux, Les ac -- cents é -- mus d'un coeur __ pi -- eux. } VerseII = \lyricmode { \set stanza = "2...
poet = "Charles Chatelanat" } \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") top-margin = 0\cm } #(set-global-staff-size 18) \relative { \time 3/4 \new ChoirStaff << \new...
L} Punkt M {\displaystyle M} aus C M ¯ = M G ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {CM}}={\overline {MG}}} , Linie von K {\displaystyle K} bis M {\displaystyle M}...
< Tr. tluseo Cl. St. Stimme Teveren D i iDn .1 S^i iilie rt //. (Svg.i. c / cftaSefo ck. ?. <St OS ej. %.-?>. 4,.t " ¥ • »y £ azZ...
emarginatis, suhtus plus minusve ni- punctatis ; Long, 14 mill., lat. SVg i^i^l- Hah. Celebes, (Musée de Leyde et ma collection). Même remarque que...