DescriptionVegetarian.png Nederlands: EVU: Dit is een trademark dat algemeen gebruikt wordt om 'vegetarisme' of 'vegetarisch' / 'veganistisch' aan te duiden...
English "The Vegetarian System" from Edward E. Howe's The Vegetarian Cook Book, published in 1887. described at URL:
English Article describing Winifred Cavendish-Bentinck, Duchess of Portland's vegetarian diet....
English "Aged Vegetarian is Very Vigorous", published in 1911. described at URL:
English Photograph of Karl Mann, vegetarian walker. described at URL:
English ''The Vegetarian and Fruitarian'' official organ of the National Vegetarian Society. described at URL:
English The front cover of The Vegetarian Magazine (April, 1905)....
English Vegetarian delegates to the Chicago World's Fair...