Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn

Hello, you have come here looking for the meaning of the word Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn. In DICTIOUS you will not only get to know all the dictionary meanings for the word Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn, but we will also tell you about its etymology, its characteristics and you will know how to say Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn in singular and plural. Everything you need to know about the word Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn you have here. The definition of the word Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn will help you to be more precise and correct when speaking or writing your texts. Knowing the definition ofReconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/rairōn, as well as those of other words, enriches your vocabulary and provides you with more and better linguistic resources.
This Proto-West Germanic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.

Proto-West Germanic


From Proto-Indo-European *Hrey- (to scream, roar, howl, bark). Cognate with Lithuanian ríeti (to scream; to bark at, scold, j-type), Latvian riet (to bark), Russian ра́ять (rájatʹ, to sound) and possibly Sanskrit रै (rai, noise, barking sound). This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term. Suffix?



  1. to roar, bellow
  2. to cry, wail


Class 2 weak
Infinitive *rairōn
1st sg. past *rairōdā
Infinitive *rairōn
Genitive infin. *rairōnijas
Dative infin. *rairōnijē
Instrum. infin. *rairōniju
Indicative Present Past
1st singular *rairō *rairōdā
2nd singular *rairōs *rairōdēs, *rairōdōs
3rd singular *rairōþ *rairōdē, *rairōdā
1st plural *rairōm *rairōdum
2nd plural *rairōþ *rairōdud
3rd plural *rairōnþ *rairōdun
Subjunctive Present Past
1st singular *rairō *rairōdī
2nd singular *rairōs *rairōdī
3rd singular *rairō *rairōdī
1st plural *rairōm *rairōdīm
2nd plural *rairōþ *rairōdīd
3rd plural *rairōn *rairōdīn
Imperative Present
Singular *rairō
Plural *rairōþ
Present Past
Participle *rairōndī *rairōd
