will eventually curve down (switch to a horizontal). In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, the values may increase again with repeated peaks over the 12-18...
by +90 center # output # # Name der SVG-Datei set output 'COVID-19-Pandemie_-_IQ_(Irak)_-_Infizierte_(800px).svg' unset key # keine Box fuer Legende set...
rotate by +90 center # output # # Name der SVG-Datei set output 'COVID-19-Pandemie_-_IQ_(Irak)_-_Tote_(800px).svg' unset key # keine Box fuer Legende set...
Daily confirmed cases (blue), daily deaths (red) for the CoViD-19. Ponderated mean on ten days (nominal day weights 10, day before 9, and so on up to day...
f^sig^) f^svg, cf. Ahrens. de Graecae lin- Boeckh. Corpus Inscript. Vol. 11. p. 851. Neque minus, sig olim svg sonuisse, inde recte coUegeris, quod...
[from old catalog] Title First Greek lessons Publisher New-York, D. Appleton & co.; Description Subjects: Greek language Language eng Publication date...
si sbSbs ouo^siq aq; jo qouBjq •vSvs' S2vfj^ 'vSvg stffauJT) '•vSvs vja^pxv^ 'vSvg vfSS/CqA/Cg; ^vSvg sit3^ 'aidiuT3xa joj 'puy aAV 'oZzi-oozi sbav qoiqAV...
Victoria Daily Times (1897-03-19) ( ) Title Victoria Daily Times (1897-03-19) Publisher University of Victoria Description Historic newspaper from...
cog (a hn 15 Tvgayvixrjg. dvdgì Svg/LteveZ fido tv xvxlovvt\ AlavTi reo aaxsgcpógco. xetvov ydg, ovdiv* dXXov, ì%vsvco ndXai, ngàyog doxonov tyu...
xai svQed'q, XQfjaivnQoayaycQv oti psPaovTOvyTat, fiovovix ndvicovtcovdg svg, cogAioXixov. AioXicovyaQ YSiovto fiaQVTOVsiv. Etymol. M. p#198, Js ToiovTOv...