DescriptionDecad.svg The number ten or decad was not considered a number bt the w:Pythagoreans, it was seen as an an "assemby point" and a symbol of earth...
induxerit, L.Corntficium inAventino Dianas TempUim conllruxirfe , cum ex Livii Decad. I. lib. i., & ex lib. De yir. liliinr.Vrb. E^>n. Sex. reat , fuilTe...
"dis- or Saint and Antonio Herrara, in the fecond book of his fecond Decad, fpeakino- of the improvements and cultivation carried to Domirigue ;...
aut rariornm plantarum horti Reg. Botan. Matrit. descriptionum Orieg. decad. decades. Oil. Matriti, 1797, seqq. 4to. Pehr Osbecks Dagbok ofver en...
r). Seculo decimo quinto Sc fexto auri facra t) epficni. nat. eiiriof. decad. III. An IV. ob£ 30. 92, 100. V, Vi obf 261,. Adeo feefti fuerunt huius...