derivative work of the following images: File:Middle_East_topographic_map-blank.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, GFDL 2010-11-03T17:52:56Z Sémhur...
approximative de l'empire néo-babylonien sous le règne de Nabonide (556-539 av. J.-C.). |en= Approximate extension of the Neo-Babylonian Empire during the Uploaded...
DescriptionEmpire neo babyloien-pt.svg Português: Império Neobabilônico Date 19 November 2010 Source This file was derived from: Empire neo babylonien.svg: Author...
ancient times-en.svg File:Chaldean-empire-600BCE.png File:Empire_neo_babyloien.svg File:Median_Empire_uk.svg 500 File:Map_achaemenid_empire_en.png File:Perserreich_500_v...