DescriptionEn-au-second session.ogg English: Pronunciation in English of "second session". Male, Australian accent. Date 17 January 2019 Source Own work...
and House of Commons of the General Assembly of North-Carolina at its session in ... [serial] ( ) Author North Carolina. General Assembly. Senate...
Minutes of the ninth session of the Synod of the Canada Presbyterian Church, held in Hamilton, June 8-17, 1869 [microform] ( ) Author Presbyterian...
winfresh m en ts w ere served by Mrs. Ogg n ers w ere as follow s: 50-yard dash, assisted by Mrs. H enry Lawrence. G lazier first, E ckles second; 100Mr....
Ontario Sessional Papers, 1900, No.33-38 ( ) Author ONTARIO. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Title Ontario Sessional Papers, 1900, No.33-38 Volume 32, Pt.9, 9th...
Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California ( ) Author California. Legislature...
ful rep ast. A ssisting Mr. T. D. Ogg, P rin cip al Moyes and h is assista n t, tre a tm e n t accorded p resid en t of th e B rotherhood, w ere th e...
ingCommissary storekeepers. held an inform al outdoor session. ton, N. M., is a guest of her sister, Concrete forem en or workers. The district is sparsely settled...
sessions at Montreal, C.E., June 4-6, 1861, Minutes of the twenty-seventh session of the Synod of the United Presbyterian Church in Canada, held in Montreal...
from the Philippines. Nic Suzor.CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 AU The day’s conference concluded with the session “Overview of CC license usage in the Asia & Pacific...