English The absolute value function is an even function. Greek Η άρτια συνάρτηση της απόλυτης τιμής....
generates these SVG images: File:Window function and frequency response - Bartlett-Hann.svg File:Window function and frequency response - Blackman.svg File:Window...
y1 = y1 / max(abs(y1)); y2 = y2 / max(abs(y2)); plot(y1, 'b'); plot(y2, 'r.'); title("Discrete Hilbert transforms of a cosine function, using Overlap-save...
Cumulative distribution function for the Laplace distribution gnuplot source under GPL: dlaplace(x,mu,b) = 0.5/b * exp(-abs(x-mu)*1.0/b) plaplace(x,mu...
English: Probability density function for the Laplace distribution gnuplot source under GPL: dlaplace(x,mu,b) = 0.5/b * exp(-abs(x-mu)*1.0/b) plaplace(x,mu...
English Example of using two points of a correlation function to determine the location and height of its maximum author name string: Bob K Wikimedia username:...
bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.savefig(name+".svg",bbox_inches='tight') plot([-3,3], [-2,2], "Signum-function", xlabels=["",-2,-1,0,1,2], ylabels=["",-1...
savefig(name+".png",bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.savefig(name+".svg",bbox_inches='tight') plot(lambda x: abs(x), [-4,4], [-1,4], "Absolute-value", xlabels=["",-3...
Hilbert transform filter to the IIR version provided by Matlab/Octave function hilbert(). author name string: Bob K Wikimedia username: Bob K URL: http://commons...
def label_to_str(x): if type(x) is str: return x else: return minus+str(abs(x)) if x<0 else str(x) def arrow(ax,x,y,dx,dy,lw=2,w=1,h=1): ax.arrow(x,y...