DescriptionIPA 156.svg International Phonetic Alphabet – IPA number 156 – Retroflex lateral approximant – font: GentiumAlt Date 23 August 2006 Source Own...
Uco praecipit p. 159. STaiQOTSQos ovx svQr^Tae^, sjuol doxsTr did Td ovx svg)U)Vov, STacQOTaTos ^s, id si vel maxime veritate fundatum esset, tamen non...
AIccvti, rflnpi. \<pi 9 in contractions, as, wvi 9 oJtoo-1 as, as ipug, svg 9 562. declension Wmvu,g. 9 £. 134. 1. Also in the paragoge of adverbs...
Neoto ‘Tiddiipamr Wyvarm: chuiale, 0°... <p ais nergipo os oiniers ai a svg nie tebetts ie ze at New Orleans. Back pay..oe ,eoe woceeeee fe» pisleiey:'s<6...