DescriptionInterpolation-nearest.svg English: Illustration of en:Nearest neighbor interpolation on a random dataset. Compare with other interpolation methods...
set_title('kind="nearest"') liste_axes[1].plot(x, yb, "y") liste_axes[1].plot(xp, yp, "+r") liste_axes[1].set_title('kind="zero"') plt.savefig("interpolation...
label="polynomiale") plt.plot(xp, yp, "r+") plt.legend() plt.savefig("interpolation_trois_types.svg", format="svg") I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish...
. 5 4 2 3]; DataNearestFine = interp2(Xcoarse, Ycoarse, DataCoarse, Xfine, Yfine, 'nearest'); figure surf(Xfine, Yfine, DataNearestFine); shading flat;...
DescriptionInterpolation-hermite.svg English: Illustration of Hermite interpolation on a random dataset. Compare with other interpolation methods that...
DescriptionInterpolation-bicubic.svg English: Illustration of Bicubic interpolation on a random dataset. Compare with other interpolation methods that...
DescriptionInterpolation-bilinear.svg English: Illustration of Bilinear interpolation on a random dataset. Compare with other interpolation methods that...
set terminal svg fname "Vera" fsize 25 set output "Piecewise_constant.svg" set key off set xzeroaxis set xtics axis 1,1 set ytics nomirror 1 set border...
DescriptionComparison of 1D and 2D interpolation-ru.svg Русский: Некоторые распространённые виды одномерной и двумерной интерполяций. Заданные значения...
DescriptionComparison of 1D and 2D interpolation.svg English: Comparison of nearest-neighbour, linear, cubic, bilinear and bicubic interpolation methods by CMG Lee....