The Deosai National Park is located in between Skardu, Gultari, Kharmang and Astore Valley, in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Northern Pakistan, majority...
“Diagram showing the affiliation of the sub-sects of Kar-gyupa” (Plate II), The gazetteer of Sikhim (IA gazetteerofsikhi00beng) (page 299 crop).jpg...
Lhasa map in 1878, Plan of Lhasa by A-K- in his report of 1878, from the book entitled Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet (page 178 crop).jpg...
Harris Fund for a Memorial Collection of the Victorian Poets 1893" from, Departmental ditties and other verses (IA cu31924013493303) (page 2 crop).jpg....
Filicum;] or, a synopsis of all known ferns, including the Osmundaceæ, Schizæaceæ, Marattiaceæ, and Ophioglossaceæ (chiefly derived from the Kew herbarium). Accompanied...