Magyar: A Cseh Köztársaság elhelyezkedése English: Location map for the Czech Republic. Originally created for English Wikipedia by Vardion. English...
Location of city Blansko in the Czech Republic. Drawn by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of city Pardubice in the Czech Republic. Drawn by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of city Prachatice in the Czech Republic. Drawn by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of town Benešov in the Czech Republic. This file was derived from: Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of city Bruntál in the Czech Republic. Drawn by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of city Opava in the Czech Republic. Dranw by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of city Jihlava in the Czech Republic. Dranw by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of town Přelouč in the Czech Republic. Drawn by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...
Location of town Lanškroun in the Czech Republic. Drawn by me. Based on Image:Czechia region template low.png English...