Mines and Quarries Act 1954 ( ) Title Mines and Quarries Act 1954 Description English: An Act to make fresh provision with respect to the management...
Mines and Quarries Act 1954 ( ) Title Mines and Quarries Act 1954 Description English: An Act to make fresh provision with respect to the management...
uk/id/ukpga/Eliz2/10-11/47 Categories InfoField School welfare, behaviour and attendance; Independent schools; Public schools; School performance and standards;...
gov.uk/id/ukpga/Eliz2/9-10/64 Categories InfoField Building regulations; Health; Building alterations; Dangerous structures; Building and construction...
legislation.gov.uk/id/ukpga/Eliz2/9-10/64 Queen's Printer Version: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1961/64/pdfs/ukpga_19610064_en.pdf Other versions English:...