{{Information |Beschreibung = Logo |Quelle = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:NBC_logo.svg |Urheber = unbekannt |Datum = |Genehmigung = {{LogoSH}} |Andere Versionen...
(bytes) | 338×337 | {{logo fur | Article = NBC logos | Description = NBC's 1975 logo. | Source = The logo may be obtained from NBC. | Use = Infobox }} English...
216×47× (92645 bytes) {{SVG-Trademark}} {{Non-free logo|television network logos}} Peacock logo and 'msnbc' logo are copyrights of NBC, Msnbc, and their parent...
following user names refer to en.wikipedia. 2008-12-31 16:37 Blubberboy92 318×258× (8998 bytes) {{logo fur | Article = NBC logos | Use = Infobox }} English...
English Official logo of the 1989 NBC television network series Quantum Leap...
English Official logo of the 2022 NBC television network series Quantum Leap determination method or standard: SHA-1...
English Official logo of the 1973 science fiction television series The Six Million Dollar Man described at URL: https://www.nbc.com/the-six-million-dollar-man...