DescriptionPocking.gif Derived from en:Image:SMocking.gif (public domain) by me, also released into public domain Date 1 December 2006 (original upload...
vpoun thame gif thai and ilk of thame sal be brynt on the cheik with the marking irne that thai may be kennit in tyme to cum and thairefter gif ony thame...
lykwayis the saidis personis that takis the said cure of sanitie vpoun thame gif thai will vse the samyn thai and ilk of thame sal be brynt on the cheik with...
other hand, 1,896 host larvae or O .5 percent parasitization. Macrocentrus gif uensis Ashm. which was more recently esta^blished in the locality and has...
cows gif there be need mander o' things. Fags they made'n a girt won't wordn' jist for zoon it our ta ! I all 1 shoodn wonner gif mon zome...
poor fouk, and them that had nae Idler. jax. A weel wat that was true, for gif they paid the prieft vreel, the deil durftna meddle wi them. Mag. A woman...
clerk ; " what's to be done gif that refugee malignant hath ta'ent in the o' him to let the cat out o' the pock ; head confoond him, does he...
Gif ye no gang awa, and look to the horse, As sure as I live I ll get out a divorce Gang awa I ll come clank ower yer head wi the ! ! tangs, Gif ...
auld, an' he wasna young, An' a sly wee bird through the country sung, That gif ony loon wi' a leasing tongue O' the gaberlunzie spoke A bough — — THE...