the conversion in png is made using the following command: convert -density 300 Ps_symbols_color_solid.eps Ps_symbols_color_solid.png I, the copyright...
with Gnuplot by n. the conversion in png is made using the following command: convert -density 300 Ps_symbols_color.eps Ps_symbols_color.png English...
was created with Gnuplot by n. the conversion in png is made using the following command: convert -density 300 Ps_symbols.eps Ps_symbols.png English...
samples 1001 set terminal postscript enhanced color solid lw 2 "Times-Roman" 20 set output '' set ytics 0.1 f(x,y,z) = logisticd(x,y,z) set...
4.0): set terminal svg enhanced size 670 670 set output 'ps_symbols.svg' set title 'Symbols and linetypes in svg terminal' set noborder; set nozeroaxis;...
Resolution InfoField English: Bitonal 1 bit/600 dpi, Greyscale 8 bit/300 dpi, Color 24 bit/300 dpi Source
Derivative works of this file: Page The music of Bohemia 49.png The Music of Bohemia Image pg27.png The music of Bohemia page18 Bedrich Smetana.jpg The music...