DescriptionRhinoceros (1891).jpg English: Title: An introduction to the study of mammals living and extinct Identifier: cu31924001022684 Year: 1891 (1890s)...
English French Le Collectionneur de timbres-poste, 1890-1891... operator: Flickr URL: operator: Flickr URL:
more than seven hundred north American birds, also several hundred photographs of their nests and eggs (IA canadianbirdbook00reed) (page 15 crop).jpg....
Getty Research Institute (IA gri 33125010389605) (page 1 crop).jpg...
Lesbre — Traité de tératologie de l’homme et des animaux domestiques, 1927 (fig. 1).jpg...
Coordinates 48° 12′ 13.97″ N, 16° 21′ 41.76″ E Established 17 October 1891 Website Authority file : Q95569 VIAF: 126584224 ISNI: 0000000121159908...
This file has an extracted image: Amanda Way - Temperance progress in the century (IA temperanceprogre00woolrich) (page 162 crop).jpg....
r. XV) Pl. VIII Text Appearing After Image: PHOTOTYPIE LECEKF, ROL'tX Rhinocéros tichorhinus. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted...