684 Commemorative medal of Prince Władysław Vasa, Alessandro Abbondio 632 328 79 70 1024 684 Portrait of Prince Władysław Vasa 573 201 81 127 1024 684 Madonna...
Austria 425 637 88 106 1080 1384 Peter Paul Rubens 515 586 108 120 1080 1384 Prince Ladislaus Sigismund Vasa (future Ladislaus IV of Poland) 865 637 108...
Ladislaus Sigismund Vasa, Antwerp Notes Detail of a painting by Étienne de La Hire depicting the Art Collection of Prince Władysław Vasa. References pl.pinterest...
"Portrait du prince Ladislas Vasa." label QS:Lpl,"Portret królewicza Władysława Wazy." label QS:Len,"Portrait of Prince Władysław Vasa." Object type...
anonymous: Portrait of Prince Ladislaus Vasa. Artist artist QS:P170,Q4233718,P1774,Q5599 Title Portrait of prince Władysław Vasa (1595–1648) in a Spanish...
Rubens: Portrait of Prince Władysław Vasa. Artist artist QS:P170,Q5599 Title Portrait of Prince Władysław Vasa. label QS:Len,"Portrait of Prince Władysław...
"Portrait of Prince Władysław Vasa (detail)." Object type painting object_type QS:P31,Q3305213 Genre portrait Depicted people Władysław IV Vasa Date 1624...
anonymous: English: Portrait of Prince Władysław Sigismund Vasa in Polish costume. Polski: Portret królewicza Władysława Zygmunta Wazy w stroju polskim...
QS:P1476,en:"Portrait of prince Władysław Vasa (1595–1648) in a Spanish costume " label QS:Len,"Portrait of prince Władysław Vasa (1595–1648) in a Spanish costume "...