Close up of standing wheat in Kansas Image Number 95CS5820 Credit USDA Photo by David F. Warren Source English...
research in the United States. 1620-1925 ( ) Author True, Alfred Charles, 1853-1929 Title A history of agricultural experimentation and research in the...
Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 3 (page 14 crop).jpg...
Carbon disulfide insecticide ad, 1896 - The American elevator and grain trade (IA CAT31053470064) (page 3 crop).jpg...
milk supply of cities, yellow berry in wheat, the crow, weed seeds in feeding stuffs, labor, wages and cost of board in Minnesota Subjects: Agriculture United...
George Todd, in Noted guerrillas, or the warfare of the border (1879).jpg...
To Tell the Truth set, RIT NandE Vol13Num3 1981 Jan22 Complete.jpg...
"Van Camp's Pig Slide" ad in 1921 from The Billboard 1921-07-09- Vol 33 Iss 28 (IA sim billboard 1921-07-09 33 28) (page 3 crop).jpg...
Pete Herman - from, Sport CYC, An Encyclopedia of Sports, 1922 (IA sporteyeencyclop00tenn) (page 173 crop).jpg...
Charles H. Kerr & Company, Chicago. It is undated but was originally published in 1910. Language English Publication date circa 1910 Place of publication...