DescriptionSv-glass.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "glass" (en glass) in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 12 July 2007 Source...
ono empty. ono with throo oggs, four with one ogg. ^ (S) « 13. *^Tvo nosts, ono with ono, tho oth r ’with throo oggs. Tho first was built precisely...
cur**^ And in making custards, or other dishes x/hich call v/ith the ogg and not at a time. with the milk. i.or hot V'/hitcs rather than stir...
arc scanning tho grocor^'- shelves for palatable sub^ cu]p shortening, 1 ogg, beaten, 3/4 stitutes. Perhaps the r.iost 'popular stoaid- cup honey, 2 tablesx30ons...
vrould ask this: wouldn't such a culling have a Tsad effect on our ogg supply? PIOl: ilo, TDccause the proportion of hens that need to aTjOut...
May 1943. Clarke, I. D. , An Efficient 52 Doherty, David G. and Ogg, Clyde L. Modified Amino Nitrogen Apparatus for insoluble Proteins. and Engineering...
vjore dem.rn.ding more o.c':s The shortage is probably due to the lack of ogg craidlers seasonally lov/or production. last vjoek area , Prices v/ere...
relief. Sat nore potatoes, locrJ. fruits rjid vegetables in season, and oven oggs, poultry, and fish whore they are in axiple supply. But stop eating rice...
Eights are also for sale by the following Agents in (California Thomas Ogg Shaw, San Francisco; Samuel Morrison, Santa Clara; C. C. Warner, Stockton;...
Nest v/ith two eggs. 18G7. I Apr. 26. j| Pound a nest with ono fresh ogg. 1868. Peb. j 11. They have discovered a hawthorn tree in our garden...