10 Resultados encontrados para "Archivo:Sv-hat.ogg".


DescriptionSv-hat.ogg English: Pronunciation of word "hat" (ett hat) in Swedish. Female voice. Speaker from Gotland, Sweden. Date 12 July 2007 Source The...

Archivo:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews946unit 10).pdf

grades for this product. There' are several ' ' too, Look v/hat's here -Canned sv/cet 'potatoes are coning back on the narkct. This it en v/as av...

Archivo:Egg campaign kit (IA CAT31070513).pdf

cur**^ And in making custards, or other dishes x/hich call v/ith the ogg and not at a time. with the milk. i.or hot V'/hitcs rather than stir...

Archivo:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre1081unit).pdf

vrould ask this: wouldn't such a culling have a Tsad effect on our ogg supply? PIOl: ilo, TDccause the proportion of hens that need to aTjOut...

Archivo:The amateur benefit. An entertainment in three acts (IA amateurbenefiten00howa).pdf

s o I g t o 1 V os r. e n t 1. that it bo act^d with as rauch Qari:osti:-OGG and seriQurii:oar;. t'TOughout ao fir xs tho sr-okor: linos are concernrhe...

Archivo:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews1946unit 3).pdf

of tho Sc^jno grade, 1/hen is a fresh egg? ilot necessarily a nov;ly laid ogg. If eggs are not gath- orod ci_uickly and cooled innediatoly, the q_ualities...


Netz storm ~ der Sturm hat ~ der Hut fire ~ das Feuer grass ~ das Gras fish ~ der Fisch kindergarten ~ der Kindergarten • Audio: OGG (114KB) ~ Hear these...

Archivo:The Bombay Gazette, 11 August 1830 (IA dli.granth.29195).pdf

body knows, or as. Bol>ody ta'iied, ajid eniurced, they' possessed a qua­ H ogg ; His E xcel- know s ( I have not quite decided which) is a re­ " T h e B...

Archivo:Food fights for freedom ... at home and abroad (IA foodfightsforfre12unit).pdf

-ar, btttor and dgge, Vialt tl^a iaformtion a rainuto, wo talked about ogg« last weok* Aad wa'll do NOUJICBRi -;ore talking you r«ffi«ibQr« Thtt...

Archivo:Food views in the news; a weekly service for food editors of western dailies (IA foodviewsinnews1946unit 5).pdf

relief. Sat nore potatoes, locrJ. fruits rjid vegetables in season, and oven oggs, poultry, and fish whore they are in axiple supply. But stop eating rice...