bytes) Tamil population around the world. Official status in Tamilnadu India, Sri Lanka and Singapore. And significant population around the world. Created...
Piagam Masyarakat Papua Merdeka (the Charter of Freedom Papuan People) PNG Papua New Guinea POLDA Kepolisian Daerah (Territorial Policemen) PPK...
of other minorities in the world (Native Americans in the United States, Maoris in New Zealand, Inuit in Canada, and Tamils in Sri Lanka), who have lost...
DescriptionTamil Community - Worldwide.PNG English: Tamil population figures around the world.The Tamil identity is primarily linguistic, although in recent...
DescriptionPCA of South Asian populations.png English: PCA of SAS-AP (South Asian-Andhra Pradesh) and 1000GP3 samples. Each symbol represents one individual...