DescriptionWater Molecule 3D.jpg English: 3D model of a Water Molecule Created using Chemitorium [1] Deutsch: 3D-Modell eines Wassermoleküls Erstellt...
Commons Attribution 4.0 truetrue English 3d image of a water molecule Russian 3d изображение молекулы воды Ukrainian 3d зображення молекули води URL: https://commons...
Structure of the water molecule (H2O) Own work, based in part on the public domain image [[:Image:H2O (water molecule).jpg|H2O (water molecule).jpg]] by...
DescriptionWater Molecule 3D X.jpg English: 3D model of a Water Molecule Created using Chemitorium Deutsch: 3D-Modell Wassermolekül Erstellt mit Chemitorium...
W3C-validity not checked. English Hydrogen bonds in water Persian پیوند هیدروژنی میان مولکولهای آب Vietnamese Liên kết hidro đối với các phân tử H<sub>2</sub>O...
DescriptionA nuclear magnetic resonance study of water in aggrecan solutions.pdf English: Foster, Richard J.; Damion, Robin A.; Baboolal, Thomas G.; Smye...
containing residues that coordinate to a metal ion and water molecules including the nucleophilic water that breaks the scissile phosphodiester bond at the...
Prof. Dr. Anne Zehnacker-Rentien (exp) • Ten complexes of organic molecules with water • No experimental information prior to predictions’ submission (before...
Dr. Anne Zehnacker-Rentien (exp) • Ten complexes of organic molecules with water • No experimental information prior to predictions’ submission...