1 Él, ella, ello. Pronombre personal de tercera persona singular. 2 Ser 3 Decir Sinónimos: ‘e, ‘i 4 Sí Sinónimos: héẽ, néi, néike 5 Y, e Sinónimo: ha...
del latín collegium. 1 Grafía obsoleta de college. Ejemplo: As ſoon as hee came thither the Elector made him Maſter of the Colledg of Sapience, which...
went himſelfe to Rome , where hee was both honourably receiued , and entertained the ſpace of a whole yere ; in which time hee new built the Engliſh Schoole...
de creator. Ejemplo: For true it is, Sir Fraunces Drake dyed of the Flixe which hee had growne vppon him eight daies before his death , and yeelded vp his ſpirite...
Cæſar were wont to ſay, That they loved a traitour at the firſt, but when hee had finiſhed his treaſon, they hated him more than any other : ſignifying...
jeʼelel conservador (AFI) /héḛ.lel/ reducido (AFI) /héḛ.leh/ silabación jeʼe-lel grafías alternativas je'elel rimas el, eh...