J’ai créé un compte global et mon compte principal est sur Wiktionnaire en russe.
Debian Je suis adepte de Debian GNU/Linux.
Logiciels libres J’adore les logiciels libres.
Informations Babel sur l’utilisateur |
Wiktionnaristes par langue |
My name is Nikolay Shaplov. I also have a sannyas name: Swami Dhyan Nataraj.
I am from Moscow, Russia. I am a software developer, a bodywork therapist, osho sannyasin.
I am interested in languages (in general).
I've been learning French for some time. Now I am trying to read a French book (Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban), and use witktionary as a dictionary for this. And it very often misses Russian translation. So I am trying to add it here whenever I can.
Also I try to improve my French using duolingo.
I do not write or speak French well, so I will do all my communications in English. If you do not write English well, write me in French, I will use google translate to read it fast. It usually works.
Utilisateur:Liuxinyu970226 -- Guy from WikiData from china who speaks French and Russian
{{trad-début||}} {{trad-fin}} {{trad-début|Traductions à trier}} {{T|ru|trier}} {{trad-fin}} {{voir|equipe|equipé|équipé}}
Salut {{u-|Pamputt}}
Discussion:agissement - This is a good example of how to deal with words that have real meaning only for plural form